Endret av: Heather Lumkin
Dato/Klokkeslett: 2015-07-15 21:04:35.408617
5/17/15: ACCC National 6-9 mo Puppy Bitch Class Winner
5/22/15: Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite
6/6/15: Winners Bitch, Best Puppy, Puppy Group 4
6/13/15: Winners Bitch, Best Owner Handled in Breed
6/14/15: Reserve Winners Bitch
7/3/15: Winners Bitch
7/4/15: Reserve Winners Bitch
7/5/15: Reserve Winners Bitch
( 5/17/15: ACCC National 6-9 mo Puppy Bitch Class Winner
5/22/15: Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite
6/6/15: Winners Bitch, Best Puppy, Puppy Group 4
6/13/15: Winners Bitch, Best Owner Handled in Breed
6/14/15: Reserve Winners Bitch