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Endret av: Anna
Dato/Klokkeslett: 2015-12-11 14:18:28.45019

Kjønn: f
Titler: INTCH(FCI) GEOCH UKRCH RUSJCH SRBCH qualification Crufts 2016, Super Grand Champion of Ukraine, BBB (Best of Breed in Ukraine) * 2 , Grand Champion of Ukraine, UKRCH*3, Champion of Georgia, Grand Champion of Georgia, Champion of the Caucasus,Champion of Bulgaria,Champion of Serbia, Champion Turkey, Junior Champion of Russia, UKRJCH UKRJGrandCH, ( Super Grand Champion of Ukraine , Grand Champion of Georgia, Champion of the Caucasus,UKRJCH UKRJGrandCH, BBB*2, UKRCH*3, )
Bandigiana Toutou Velu

" Geena "

: 24.05.2012 ()
: Apricot ()
: ()
Toutou Velu ,
Il senso della mia vita ,
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