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Endret av: Anna/Nyta
Dato/Klokkeslett: 2016-11-06 08:53:45.197666

Kjønn: f
Ashantal Ensign Of Perfection

" Varya "

: 21.01.2013 ()
: white-bronze ()
: ()
Ashantal ,
Ashantal ,


PLL clear
PRA clean by parents

April 28, 2013. The National Exhibition. city of Nakhodka. Judge L.P.Smirnova (Moscow). Very promising, CW, Best Baby, BIS Baby - 2!
May 11, 2013.National Dog Show. Ussurijsk city. Judge D.A.Prozorov (Moscow). Very promising, CW, Best Baby, BIS Baby - 4!
May 11, 2013. National Dog Show. Ussurijsk city. Judge Yu.Ovsyannikova. Very promising, CW, Best Baby.
May 25, 2013. Vladivostok. National Dog Show. Judge I.L.Shvets (Russia). CW, Best Baby.
May 26, 2013. Vladivostok. International Dog Show. Judge Tomacz Stanislaw Borkowski (Poland). CW, Best Baby, BIS Baby - 3!
June 16, 2013. Arsenyev. NDS. Judge Sergei Galiaskarov (Moscow). Very promising, CW, Best puppy, BIS Baby - 2!

( PLL clear
PRA clean by parents

April 28, 2013. The National Exhibition. city of Nakhodka. Judge - L.P.Smirnova (Moscow) - very promising, CW, Best Baby, BIS Baby - 2!
May 11, 2013.National Dog Show. Ussurijsk city. Judge D.A.Prozorov (Moscow) - very promising, CW, Best Baby, BIS Baby - 4!
May 11, 2013. National Dog Show. Ussurijsk city. Judge Yu.Ovsyannikova - very promising, CW, Best Baby.
May 25, 2013. Vladivostok. National Dog Show. Judge I.L.Shvets (Russia).
Ashantal Ensign Of Perfection - Class Winner, Best Baby.
May 26, 2013. Vladivostok. International Dog Show. Judge Tomacz Stanislaw Borkowski (Poland).
Ashantal Ensign Of Perfection - Class Winner, Best Baby, BIS Baby - 3!
June 16, 2013. Arsenyev. National Dog Show.
Judge Sergei Galiaskarov (Moscow).
Ashantal Ensign Of Perfection - very promising, CW, Best puppy, BIS Baby - 2!


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