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Endret av: Kristina Maslova 18
Dato/Klokkeslett: 2018-03-26 11:08:50.533638

Kjønn: f
Titler: RUSJCH MOLJCH UKRJCH ,"BBB", CAC-6, CACIB- 2, BOS-6, BOB-4, BOB Baby x 2 ( UKRJCH ,"BBB", CAC-5, CACIB- 2, BOS-5, BOB-4, BOB Baby x 2 )
Vendetta Molosos Gratzi

: 12.06.2016 ()
: bronze ()
: ()
Molosos-Gratzi , Molosos Gratzi ,
Molosos Gratzi , Molosos-Gratzi ,


PLL, PRA - clean on the parents

J.Champion Ukraine
J.Champion Moldova
J.Champion Russia
25.03.18- Odessa CAC- CAC, BOS
24.03.18- Odessa CAC- CAC, BOS
4.11.17-Odessa FCI-CACIB-CAC , r.CACIB
5.11.17.-Odessa FCI-CAC- CAC, BOB
24.02.18- odessa cacib- CAC,CACIB,BOS
25.02.18 - odessa cacib- CAC, CACIB, BOB
BOB Baby-2
( PLL, PRA - clean on the parents

J.Champion Ukraine
J.Champion Moldova
J.Champion Russia
24.03.18- Odessa CAC- CAC, BOS
4.11.17-Odessa FCI-CACIB-CAC , r.CACIB
5.11.17.-Odessa FCI-CAC- CAC, BOB
24.02.18- odessa cacib- CAC,CACIB,BOS
25.02.18 - odessa cacib- CAC, CACIB, BOB
BOB Baby-2

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