Endret av: Lassi Alestalo
Dato/Klokkeslett: 2018-05-31 20:17:42.163466
BEST OF BREED at Helsinki Winner 2015
BEST OF OPPOSITE at Tallinn Winner 2016
BOB-junior at Amsterdam Winner 2015
10 x CACIB (Sweden, Estonia, Finland, Croatia)
20 x CAC (Sweden, Estonia, Finland, Croatia, Gibraltar)
9 x BOB
1x BIG-4
6 x BOS
8 x BOB-jun (Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Holland)
BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR at Lappeenranta International 2016 (3500 dogs entered)
Finnish Toydog Speciality (and Finnish CC Speciality) 2015 BEST IN SHOW PUPPY
Finnish CC Club Show 2015 BEST IN SHOW PUPPY
BOB puppy at Baltic Winner 2015
4 x BOB puppy