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Endret av: Rolana
Dato/Klokkeslett: 2018-07-06 09:38:28.079645

Kjønn: m
Titler: GEOCH LTCH RKFCH RUSCH RUSJCH BLRJCH MKCH SRBCH vJunior World Winner 2017, 2xJunior Champion Club CCD, Junior Champion of Belarus, Champion of Serbia, Champion of Lithuania, Champion of Romania, Champion of Bulgaria, Champion of Macedonia, Champion of Azerbaijan, Champion of Armenia, Champion of Georgia, Champion of Balkan , Champion Kura, 4xChampion Club CCD, Grand Champion of Russia, Grand Champion of Bulgaria, Grand Champion of Azerbaijan, Grand Champion of Georgia , 2xChampion of RKF, 5xClub Winner, 7xBOB Junior, 2xJun BISS, 26xBest Of Breed, 4xBISS, 3xBest in Group-3, Best in Group-4, 10xCACIB ( vJunior World Winner 2017, 2xJunior Champion Club CCD, Junior Champion of Belarus, Champion of Serbia, Champion of Lithuania, Champion of Romania, Champion of Bulgaria, Champion of Macedonia, Champion of Azerbaijan, Champion of Armenia, Champion of Georgia, Champion of Balkan , Champion Kura, 4?Champion Club CCD, Grand Champion of Russia, Grand Champion of Bulgaria, Grand Champion of Azerbaijan, Grand Champion of Georgia , 2xChampion of RKF, 5xClub Winner, 7?BOB Junior, 2xJun BISS, 26xBest Of Breed, 4xBISS, 3xBest in Group-3, Best in Group-4, 10?CACIB )
Rolana Family Majestic like flames

" Flay "

Reg. Nr
: PLL,PRA - clear b/p ()
: 10.06.2016 ()
: bronze and white ()
: ()
: 32.00 cm (12.6") () ()
"Rolana Family" ,
Khachaturyan Anastasia


PRA FREE (by parents & tested)
PLL FREE (by parents & tested)
correct bite 6/6+4.
26.03.17 Voroneg CAC-ChF "Sozvezdie psov" - ex., JCAC, JBOB, BOB (Pirogova I.)
28.05.2017 Voroneg CAC-ChF - ex., JCAC, JBOB, BOB (Chistyakova L.)
11.06.2017 Voroneg CAC-ChF - ex., JCAC, JBOB, BOB (Kamen Litov (Bulgaria)
05.08.2017 Lipeck SDS- ex., CW, Junior Club Winner, JBOB, JBISS (Julia Ovsyannikova)
20.08.2017 Borisov, Belorus - ex.1, CW, JCAC, JBOB, BOB (Juk)
Junior Champion Belorus!
02.09.2017 Moscow SDS CCD - ex.-1, CW, CCC, JBOB, BOB, JBISS, BISS (Nikolay Kashirin)
Junior Champion Club CCD!
02.09.2017 Moscow NDS-CAC "Fortuna" ex.1, CW, JCAC, JBOB, BOB (Khomasuridze R.R.)
Junior Champion Russia!
17.09.2017 Moscow NDS-CAC "Goldrayz" ex.1, CW, CAC, BOS (Shamil' Abrakimov)
17.09.2017 Moscow NDS-CAC "Planeta sobak" ex.1, CW, CAC, BOB (Khomasuridze R.R.)
17.09.2017 Moscow SDS CCD "Goldrayz" - ex.-1, CW, Club Winner, BOB, BISS puff Fernando Madeira RODRIGUES (Portugal)
Champion Club CCD!!!

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