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Endret av: Hana Hrciakova
Dato/Klokkeslett: 2021-06-07 19:05:12.923223

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Titler: ATCH CZCH INTCH(FCI) SKCH SLOCH ATJCH CZCCH CZGCH ROCH CROCH, CH CMKU (CZ), 9x BOB, 11x BOS, 15x CACIB, 10x res CACIB, 2x National Winner, Alpen Junior Winner, ALPENSIEGER, 4 Rivers Winner, 2x BIS honor class, BIG 2, 2x BIG 3, short list for BIG IX ( CROCH, 9x BOB, 11x BOS, 15x CACIB, 10x res CACIB, 2x National Winner, Alpen Junior Winner, ALPENSIEGER, 4 Rivers Winner, 2x BIS honor class, BIG 2, 2x BIG 3, short list for BIG IX )
Grace Urbi Decoroso

: 2017-02-17 ()
: white and black ()
: ()
Decoroso ,
Decoroso ,


Austria Junior Champion
Austria Champion
Club Champion CZ
Czech Champion
Czech Grand Champion
Champion CMKU (CZ)
Slovakia Champion
Croatian Champion
Slovenian Champion
Romanian Champion
started: Champion of Germany, Poland, Hungary

Year 2021
Czech Republic - BOS, CACIB, CAC, CAC CMKU

Year 2020
Czech Republic - 2x BOB, 2x BIS honor class, CAC, CAC CMKU, CACIB, short list for BOB

Year 2019
Czech Republic - 5x CAC, 2x res CACIB on CACIB rights, res CACIB, National Winner, CAC CMKU, BOS
Hungary - 2x CAC, 2x CACIB, BOB, BOS
Slovakia - 3x CAC, res CAC, CACIB, res CACIB, BOS
Austria - 5x CACA/CAC, CACIB, 3x res CACIB, Best female, ALPENSIEGER, 2x BOS
Slovenia - 3x CAC, 2x res CACIB
Croatia - 4x CAC, 3x CACIB, 3x BOB, BOS, BIG IX - 3rd place, short list for BIG IX, 4 Rivers Winner
Romania - 3x CAC, 2x CACIB, Best female, 2x BOB, BOS, BIG2, BIG3
Germany - 3x CAC, 3x CAC VDH, Best female, BOS

Year 2018
Czech Republic - 5x CAC, res CACIB, National Winner, CAC CMKU, BOS, 2x res CAC, 2x Regional Winner
Croatia - 2x CAC, CACIB, res CACIB on CACIB rights, BOB
Slovakia - 2x CAC, 2x res CACIB
Poland - CWC/CAC, Best female, BOS
Austria - CACA/CAC, Jugendbester /Best Young, 2x res CACA
Germany - German Youth Champion(VDH), "Alpen Junior Winner"

Year 2017
Austria - 2x Jugendbester/ Best Young
Czech Republic - puppy class - 4x VP1, VP3/9

DNA test for Primary Lens Luxation (PLL) - CLEAR for parentage
Prcd PRA - normal / CLEAR for parentage
PRA rcd3 - normal / CLEAR for parentage
CERF of eye examination 2020 - proste / UNAFFECTED

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