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Endret av: diane boden
Dato/Klokkeslett: 2022-04-23 08:36:54.264257

Kjønn: m
Clezel's Habibi Soft'n Sweet Gemadar

" Merlin "

Reg. Nr
: SE38613/2019 ()
: 2019-06-10 ()
: White spotted ()
: ()
: 29.21 cm (11.5") () / 6.50 kg (14.3#) ()
Clezel's ,
Dianne Boden , Gemadar ,


Patella 0:0
DM - clear by dna
NCL -clear by dna
PLL - clear by dna
Pra-prcd - clear by dna
PRA - clear by dna
VW11 - clear by dna
Cmsd - clear by dna
Heart checked clear 2022
Bva eye test clear 2022

L.K.A Ch show. 2nd mpd judge Tom Isherwood


Manchester Ch show 3rd puppy dog; judge Irene McManus
Litchfield c.s open 1st puppy bpib.
Judge Shannon Parkins
Chesterfield open show, 1st puppy bpib
Judge George Farmer
Crufts 2020, 2nd mpd & 3rd pd

CCDC CH show 2nd novice dog
Birmingham National ch 2nd novice
CCDCGB 1st novice
Spire Toydog open show
1st pg judges Mrs A Sedgbeer
Coventry and Foleshill open show
1st open and rbob judge Jan Fiers
L. K. A ch show, 1st pg dog
WELKS Ch show 2nd Pg dog judge Mariel Fleirs

( Patella 0:0
DM - clear by dna
NCL -clear by dna
PLL - clear by dna
Pra-prcd - clear by dna
PRA - clear by dna
VW11 - clear by dna
Cmsd - clear by dna
Heart checked clear 2022
Bva eye test clear 2022

L.K.A Ch show. 2nd mpd judge Tom Isherwood


Manchester Ch show 3rd puppy dog; judge Irene McManus
Litchfield c.s open 1st puppy bpib.
Judge Shannon Parkins
Chesterfield open show, 1st puppy bpib
Judge George Farmer
Crufts 2020, 2nd mpd & 3rd pd

CCDC CH show 2nd novice dog
Birmingham National ch 2nd novice
CCDCGB 1st novice
Spire Toydog open show
1st pg judges Mrs A Sedgbeer
Coventry and Foleshill open show
1st open and rbob judge Jan Fiers
L. K. A ch show, 1st pg dog

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