Endret av: Isabel Sousa
Dato/Klokkeslett: 2022-12-05 14:20:51.950733
PRA-rcd3 clear
PLL carrier
133 IDS Lisboa 12-07-2019
Baby Class: 1st VP, best baby of Breed, RBIS Babies, BABY LISBON WINNER19
18 NDS Aveiro 28-09-2019
Puppy Class: 1st VP, best puppy of breed, III BIS Puppies
11 IDS Aveiro 29-09-2019
Puppy Class: 1st VP, best puppy of breed, II BOG Puppies
13 NDS Braga 09-11-2019
Puppy Class: 1st VP, best puppy of breed
14 Speciality Company Dog Show 09-11-2019
Puppy class: 1st VP, best puppy of breed, III BIS Puppies
10 IDS Braga 10-11-2019
Puppy class: 1st VP, best puppy of breed
90 IDS Norte (ALW20) 11-01-2020
Junior Class: 1st Exc, CCJ, Best Junior of Breed, JUNIOR ALIANCE LATIN WINNER20
91 IDS Norte (PW20) 12-01-2020
Junior Class: 2nd Exc
19 NDS Aveiro 26-09-2020
Intermedia Class: 1st, Exc, CAC, BOS
12 IDS Aveiro 27-09-2020
Intermedia Class: 1st, Exc, CAC, CACIB
20 NDS Aveiro 25-09-2021
Open Class: 1st, Exc, CAC, BOB, IIBOG
30 Speciality Dog Show (mandatory point) 05-11-2021
Open Class: 2nd, Exc, RCAC-QC
135 IDS CPC (mandatory point) 06-11-2021
Open Class: 2nd, VG??????? Judge: Cathy Delmar BIG LOOOOOOOL
136 IDS CPC (mandatory point) 07-11-2021
Open Class: 1st, Exc, CAC-QC
Sterilized and Retired because was attacked by a German shepherd