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Dato/Klokkeslett: 2006-08-13 01:51:03.860795
Norwegian - Swedish - Danish and Nordic Champion. 4 x BOB - 2 x BOS - CACIB. BOG-4 at DKK International all Breed Dogshow, 8 and a half years old!
Veteran results: 14 x BOB - 2 x BIS5 veteran - BIS2 veteran - BEST in SHOW veteran at the Chinese Crested Spesiality Show in Denmark 2005 -
BEST in SHOW veteran at the Chinese Crested Spesiality Show in Norway 2005.
( Norwegian - Swedish - Danish and Nordic Champion. 4 x BOB - 2 x BOS - CACIB. BOG-4 at DKK International all Breed Dogshow, 8 and a half years old!
Veteran results: 13 x BOB - 2 x BIS5 veteran - BIS2 veteran - BEST in SHOW veteran at the Chinese Crested Spesiality Show in Denmark 2005 -
BEST in SHOW veteran at the Chinese Crested Spesiality Show in Norway 2005.