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Dato/Klokkeslett: 2007-05-23 21:21:45.922559
BOB, 2x CACIB, 4x r.CACIB, 4x CAC - ?R, 2x CACA, CAC - SK, CAC - VHD, 4x CAC - H, CAC ? RO, 2x r.CAC - ?R, 3x r.CAC - SK, 2x r.CACA , r.CAC - CER, 2x VTV, 2x KV, Best male in breed, excellent at World Dog Show Dortmund 2003 , V2, r.CAC Eurodog Bratislava, Austrian Double Champion, Clubchampion KCHN, Hungarian champion, Czech champion Winner of the Winners (Club show 2006), excellent
( excellent, multi CAC, 3x r.CACIB Winner of the Winners (Club show 2006)