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Dato/Klokkeslett: 2007-08-06 12:53:19.052544
5 August 2007,CW, BOS, BOB,Champion of RFSS, 1 July 2007,Best Show Junior in Minsk,Junior champion of the breed, JCHBEL, 17th June 2007 BOB,CACIB, RKF Champion, BOB, BOB (hairless) at National Club Dog-Show,06/02/07, 5* Best Junior (hairless) National Club, 7* JCAC, 5* JCAC National Club, 7* Best Junior, 4* Best Puppy, BISP-3, BISJ-3.
( 1 July 2007,Best Show Junior in Minsk,Junior champion of the breed, JCHBEL, 17th June 2007 BOB,CACIB, RKF Champion, BOB, BOB (hairless) at National Club Dog-Show,06/02/07, 5* Best Junior (hairless) National Club, 7* JCAC, 5* JCAC National Club, 7* Best Junior, 4* Best Puppy, BISP-3, BISJ-3.