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1994 - 2009
Silver Bluff Go For Gin
Moonchimes Fire Cracker
Taleeca Duke Of Silver Bluff
Blandora Bare With Me At Taleeca
Sun-A-Ra's The Second Coming SOD
Cordova's Crystal Silver Bluff
Cordova's Wild Blackberry
Silver Bluff Limited Edition
Tricreek's It's All About the Jewels
Jewels Early Edition
Tricreek's It's All Above the Clouds
Dokkum On Cloud Nine
Crystal Maulebi Star
Dokkum Some Days Are Diamonds
Dokkum Beyond The Clouds
Dokkum Puffy Clouds
Dokkum Reach Past The Clouds
Dokkum Jive Talking
Dokkum Nights On Broadway
Dokkum It's Only Words
Dokkum Night Fever
Dokkum Tokyo Nights
Curlious Calls The Tune
Curlious Dressed To Kill
Curlious Kept Under Wraps
Curlious That's How I Roll
Curlious Time to Celebrate
Curlious Dokkum To The Cloud
Curlious Cache is King
Curlious C Dos Run
Curlious Captcha If You Can
Above The Clouds Dark Side Of The Moon
Above The Clouds Wok On The Moon
Tricreek's Special Edition
Tricreek's Emperial Wishes
Silver Bluff Gin Gin
Hairicane Carolyn Of Westshore
HairicaneVTopshelf Red Luna Rising
Silver Bluff Pepe La Fonzarele
Pointy Pines Illigal Immigrant
Pointy Pines Ruby In The Rough
Apache's Silence The Crowd
Apache's Little Miss Can't Do Wrong
Apache's Wizard Of Roase
Apache's Prince Black Hawk
Apache Roase Enchanted Willow
Roase's Martial Arts
Hairicane Reba Daretobebare
Hairicane Zion
Hairicane Foxy Lady
Hairicane Swiss Miss
Silver Bluff Turn Back Time
Mountian Meadows Elsa
Dare To Be Bare Kiss Me Not
Cloud Of Little Kisses Puff
Hairicane Cadbury's Cream Surprise
Vdr Red Lotus Of The Mekong
Lady Caprisse
Jr's Lil Lola
Lady Blondie's Everly Dean
Duke of Midgley
Dreamwinds Hershey's Kiss
Blaes Cupid of Doubles S
Hairicane Zions Red Sky at Morning
Hairicane Sunset
Hairicane Black Pearl
Hairicane Mocha
Hairicane Armed And Dangerous
Hairicane Mistress Of The Dark v Moonstone
Hairicane Prissy
Hairicane Zoey
Hairicane She Came Around The Mountain
Hairicane Measured, Not Delayed
Hairicane Chocolate Mocha
Hairicane Black Pearl
Hairicane Tiny Tim
Hairicane Angie
Hairicane Sunset
Hairicane Mocha
Hairicane Swiss Miss
Hill's Cresteds Midnight Crazy Train
Hill's Cresteds Midnight Wings Of Grace
Hills Cresteds Midnight Crazy Train
Hill's Cresteds Midnight Crazy Train
Hairicane Duppy
Hairicane Balou of Beminita
Hairicane Chanel Fantasy Island
Hairicane-Give Me One Riesen To Stay Here
HairicaneVTopshelf Kaluha N Coffee
HairicaneVTopshelf Fudge Velvet Hammer
HairicaneVTopshelf Flaming Choc Ginger
Hairicane Dancin w/t stars
Hairicane Wilson Daretobare
PerryWalkers Mystical Raine Showntell
Hairicane Wilson Daretobebare
Daretobebares Cassanova
Daretobebare Splish Splash
Daretobebares Cassanova
Roc N Win The Beat Goes On
Miss Dazzle Me Daisy OJP
Tapscott's In It 2 Win It
Spiritual A Walk in the Park
Silver Bluff Dressed In Black
Silver Bluff Thrill Of Victory
Daretobebare Lilly Of The Valley
Daretobebare Fabio
Roc N Win Sound Of Music
Roc N Win Beat The Drum Slowly
Obie's Get Er Done
Hairicane Carolyn of Westshore
Hairicane Clair D'Lune
Hairicane Dancin Southern Bell
Hairicane Sayber Gardine
(I Just Wanna) Fly Gardine
Brains Over Brawn Gardine
Repeat Offender at Gardine
Mozanbridge Needs a Hug Gardine
Baycrest C Me Sizzle Gardine
Waiting a Lifetime Gardine
Gardine Chinese Design Bakara
Jokes On You Gardine
K OS at Fraggle Rock Gardine
Civil Disturbance at Gardine
Call It Fate at Gardine
Show Me Dah Munny Hunny Gardine
Hairicane Dove Chocolate
Hairicane Foxy Lady
Hairicane Swiss Miss
Silver Bluff Turn Back Time
Mountian Meadows Elsa
Hairicane Cadbury's Cream Surprise
Vdr Red Lotus Of The Mekong
Lady Caprisse
Jr's Lil Lola
Lady Blondie's Everly Dean
Duke of Midgley
Dreamwinds Hershey's Kiss
Blaes Cupid of Doubles S
Hairicane She's Not Bluff "N"
Hairicane Duppy
Hairicane Balou of Beminita
Hairicane Chanel Fantasy Island
Hairicane-Give Me One Riesen To Stay Here
HairicaneVTopshelf Kaluha N Coffee
HairicaneVTopshelf Fudge Velvet Hammer
HairicaneVTopshelf Flaming Choc Ginger
Hairicane Dancin w/t stars
Hairicane Wilson Daretobare
PerryWalkers Mystical Raine Showntell
Hairicane Wilson Daretobebare
Silver Bluff Wings Of A Dove
Silver Bluff Fly Like A Dove
Hairicane Dukes Delight
Hairicane Pup
Daretobebares Exeter Finnegan
Silver Bluff Time To Go
I'm Tu Time To Chu-Gal
R-N-W's Zach Of Dragon Hills
r-n-w's queenie
R-n-w's Fancy Tia
Skydancer's All That Jazz
Woodcrest Fuzzy Wuz She PP
Woodcrest Vision In Pink
I'm Misty-eyed for Mel-Son
Gelfling Gables Ziggy Stardust
Layne's Zhou De Valeri
Layne's Journey To Lee-wins
Terbear's IMA Rockstar
Show'ntells tundra & Terbears Rocky BABY
Leewin Bold as Brass
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