Chinese Crested Club of Canada National Specialty
August 18, 2012
Judge: Catherine Horne (Australia)
Best in Specialty Show
CH. Bodeswell Pixietail Rockford (MALE) 28-Jul-10. (Ch. Legends There's A New Sheriff N Town ex Ch. Let's Go Paint The Town N'CO)
Best of Opposite Sex
CH. Bodeswell Pixietail Cat's Meow (FEMALE) 28-Jul-10. (Ch. Legends There's A New Sheriff N Town ex Ch. Let's Go Paint The Town N'CO)
Best of Winners
Crest-Vue Vanulla Shake of Bopar (FEMALE). 5-Jul-1. (Lemiz Souldrop Indefatigable ex Design For Mongoshi von Shinboshi)
Award of Merit: CH. Gotcha Under My Skin at Rompford (MALE) 12-Nov-07. (Ch. Mohawk Top Shelf ex Ch. Crestars Gotcha Pix Zee Dust H)
Award of Merit: CH. Curlious Cache Is King CGN (MALE) 21-May-11. (Ch. Jewels Ringleader ex Ch. Dokum Reach Past The Clouds CGN RN)
Winners Dog: Rylaurs You Had Me At Hello (MALE). 15-Sept-11. (Rylaur's Who's Your daddy ex Look No Further N'co)
Reserve Winners Dog: Curlious C Dos Run (MALE). 21-May-11. (Ch. Jewels Ringleader CGN ex Ch. Dokkum Reach Past The Clouds RN CGN)
Winners Bitch: Crest-Vue Vanulla Shake of Bopar (FEMALE). 5-Jul-1. (Lemiz Souldrop Indefatigable ex Design For Mongoshi von Shinboshi)
Reserve Winners Bitch: Xnipec Right To The Top (FEMALE). 10-Feb-11. (Ch. Crestyle Vin'tage Designer HL ex Crestyle Bad'n Bossy HL)
Best Puppy: CH. Sassytails Tempting Fate (MALE) 3-Jan-12. (GCh. Altair's Live Like Horses CGN ex Ch. Puffin Rare Edition)
Best Veteran: Dokkum Above The Clouds (MALE) 22-Nov-04. (Dokkum Dance On A Cloud ex Babylon Ballerina)
Best Baby Puppy: Bopar French Vanilla Icecream (FEMLAE) 9-May-12. (Ch. Kameo's Wyoming ex Ch. Bopar Isabelle of My Heart)