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FCI Centenary World Champion of Champions 2011

Date: 12th November 2011
Location: Brussel, Belgium
Entry: 893 champions from 22 countries
Chinese Crested entry: 5
BIG judges: Lisbeth Mach (Switzerland), R. Khomasuridze (Russia )
Final judges: E. Maneiro (Peru), H. Kamisato (Japan), H. Kliebenstein (Germany)

Final placement - Best 8 dogs
Ich. Ch. Solino´s Rive Gauche
Hairless female
breeder: Iris Schulz, owner: Julia Poluektova, Russia

CCD competitors in the catalogue:
Gyom ot Motsarta, Olga Panchenko, Russia
Chmiel Argoel Next Germanika, Lisa Croft-Elliot, UK
Happy Dancing Fantasy, Wendy van Oosten, Netherlands
Solino´s Rive Gauche, Poluektova Julia, Russia
Granduca Nerone Pazzda, Viviane Riesterer,Netherlands

The FCI Champion of Champions contest system is an idea of the FCI president Hans Muller. It is exceptional champion competition with the special price: Golden, Silver and Bronze Victor sculpture designed by Heidi Rohrer, Switzerland.

Previous FCI Champion of Champions contests:
1997 Basel, Switzerland ? BIS winner border terier, Finland
2002 St. Gallen, Switzerland ? BIS winner giant schnauzer, Russia
2004 Bratislava, Slovakia ? BIS winner Azawakh, Czech republic
2011 Brussel, Belgium ? BIS winner Irish Wolfhoud, Slovakia
In the future it should be probably held every third or fifth year.

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