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NKK Drammen, Norway 4juni 2011. Judg Gay Jeavons.Canada.

1 BT:Rimabra's Oops I Did Again:Cert+Cacib+BIR.NO uch.BIG4.
2 BT:Noon,s My Flying Puma: R-Cert
3BT:Bellini Sorbet Only Salsa.
4 BT: De La Mahafu's Beauty's Inka.

1BH:Ridgecrest,s Secret Weapon:Cert+Cacib+ BIM.
2BH:Zucci Smartypants:R-Cert.
3 BH:N uch.Qu-Ya-Va,s Shimo Olymius.
4 BH:INT.NORD uch.KBHV-04.EugeniosFly Me To Moon.

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