©6 month.
©1 y/o
©1 y/o
©6,5 month.
©6 month.
©6 month.
©6 month.
©6 month.
We are looking for the right and a good home
Venya looks for the right home
©4 month.
©4 month.
©4 month.
©3 month. 5 days
©3 month. 5 days
©3 month. 5 days
©3 month. 5 days
©3 month. 5 days
©3 month. 5 days
©3 month. 5 days
©3 month. 5 days
©7 weeks old
©7 weeks old
©7 weeks old
©7 weeks old
©7 weeks old
©7 weeks old
©5 weeks old
©5 weeks old
©5 weeks old
©5 weeks old
A grandmother and grandson
©5 weeks old
©5 weeks old
©18 days
©18 days
Farfar: Carbon Copy N'co | |||
Far: Kranar Elvis Pepper | |||
Farmor: Kranar It's My Delight | |||
Stamtavla | |||
Morfar: Olegro Katrin Never Stop | |||
Mor: Elenline Nayada | |||
Mormor: Sleek Slim Pet-Baby Passiya |
In June 2013 Venya went for a walk without a leash and ran into the road, the car was traveling at high speed. His life was cut short by a car :( It was a healthy and active boy he was engaged in in various sports and was very obedient. Why was :(
PRA-clear by parents
JCAC,CW,BJ,BOB -02.12.2012 Russia, Belgorod, expert Kudryavtseva