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Mountain Meadows Debonair Dante At Wind-Echo
: TS47490301
: 2020-07-21
: Chocolate & White
: Powderpuff
Stacy Score (Mountain Meadows, USA)
Mandy Long (Long Haul Cresteds, USA)

  • ©Julie Ratti

  • ©S.S.

  • ©S.S.


OFA: DM: normal/clear, PRA-rcd3:normal/clear, prcdPRA: normal/clear, PLL: normal/clear, Patella:, Eyes:, Heart:,
CHIC # :

Syskon (2)


Mountain Meadows Ernie at Gardine


Mountain Meadows Debonair Dante At Wind-Echo

Avkomma(or) (24) (Avkommor)

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