Mindy almost 9 months
©Pinky Twinky
Mindy BOB-puppy in Kokkola Int 2.7.2011, under judge George Kostapoulos from Greece
©Pinky Twinky
5 months
5 months...loooove that muzzle!
Mindy 4,5 months
9 weeks
©Pinky Twinky
8,5 weeks
©Pinky Twinky
Mindy 9 weeks
©Pinky Twinky
3,5 weeks
©Pinky Twinky
1 week
©Pinky Twinky
1 week
©Pinky Twinky
Farfar: Set Germanika | |||
Far: Oriental Jokes Casanova | |||
Farmor: With Love TuYu | |||
Stamtavla | |||
Morfar: Kuminaaman Borco Rosso | |||
Mor: Pinky Twinky Day Dream | |||
Mormor: Juno-Juhekin Naku |
2 x BOB-puppy