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American Champion

Championgalleriet listar automatiskt hundar som är inlagda i databasen med en championtitel. Bara titlar vi listar syns här, meddela oss gärna om någon titel saknas. Som i alla databaser kan det finnas fel. Justera gärna de fel du hittar.

Totalt antal  3362  Champions
sida  << 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 >>
 Jewels Repeat Performance At Puffin
Famfair Sundown's Tribute To Rosie
Crestline Mowgli The Man Cub
Jewels Repeat Performance At Puffin
b: 2004-11-10
Famfair Sundown's Tribute To Rosie
b: 2004-11-03
Crestline Mowgli The Man Cub
b: 2004-11-01
Crestline My Little Snowflake
Blanch-o's Icing On The Cake
Blanch-O's Whats One More
Crestline My Little Snowflake
b: 2004-11-01
Blanch-o's Icing On The Cake
b: 2004-10-29
16  avkomma(or)
Blanch-O's Whats One More
b: 2004-10-29
1  avkomma(or)
Newbourne Deep Impact
Zokasan That's A Fact Jack
Zokasan Dressed To Impress
Newbourne Deep Impact
b: 2004-10-26
4  avkomma(or)
Zokasan That's A Fact Jack
b: 2004-10-23
1  avkomma(or)
Zokasan Dressed To Impress
b: 2004-10-23
1  avkomma(or)
Silver Bluff Steel King Legacy
Silver Bluff Lady of Steel
Otello Della Castafiore
Silver Bluff Steel King Legacy
b: 2004-10-20
30  avkomma(or)
Silver Bluff Lady of Steel
b: 2004-10-20
2  avkomma(or)
Otello Della Castafiore
b: 2004-10-16
2  avkomma(or)
Totalt antal  3362  Champions
sida  << 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 >>
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