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Canadian Champion

Championgalleriet listar automatiskt hundar som är inlagda i databasen med en championtitel. Bara titlar vi listar syns här, meddela oss gärna om någon titel saknas. Som i alla databaser kan det finnas fel. Justera gärna de fel du hittar.

Totalt antal  802  Champions
sida  << 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >>
MBPIG BBPIS CanCh SassyTails Twisting Fate
Am Can Ch SassyTails Forever Faithful
Canch Biss Bpiss Bpis Sassytails Tempting Fate
MBPIG BBPIS CanCh SassyTails Twisting Fate
b: 2012-01-03
Am Can Ch SassyTails Forever Faithful
b: 2012-01-03
Canch Biss Bpiss Bpis Sassytails Tempting Fate
b: 2012-01-03
3  avkomma(or)
Can Ch SassyTails Designing Fate
Famous Black Tie Affair
Famous From Paris With Love
Can Ch SassyTails Designing Fate
b: 2012-01-03
Famous Black Tie Affair
b: 2011-12-20
Famous From Paris With Love
b: 2011-12-20
Casmai Debut At Yorkhouse
Mauvais Born This Way Mocean
Yorkhouse Reminton Steele
Casmai Debut At Yorkhouse
b: 2011-12-13
Mauvais Born This Way Mocean
b: 2011-12-09
16  avkomma(or)
Yorkhouse Reminton Steele
b: 2011-11-25
Nu Poil's Hidden Ghost
Mauvais Nocturnal Zephyr
McShane's Cinder and Smoke
Nu Poil's Hidden Ghost
b: 2011-11-21
Mauvais Nocturnal Zephyr
b: 2011-11-20
McShane's Cinder and Smoke
b: 2011-11-07
Totalt antal  802  Champions
sida  << 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >>
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