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Canadian Champion

Championgalleriet listar automatiskt hundar som är inlagda i databasen med en championtitel. Bara titlar vi listar syns här, meddela oss gärna om någon titel saknas. Som i alla databaser kan det finnas fel. Justera gärna de fel du hittar.

Totalt antal  839  Champions
sida  << 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 >>
Yorkhouse Celtic Warrior
Crest-Vue's First Class Flirt
Yaquina's Comic Hero
Yorkhouse Celtic Warrior
b: 2010-12-03
Crest-Vue's First Class Flirt
b: 2010-11-20
1  avkomma(or)
Yaquina's Comic Hero
b: 2010-11-14
12  avkomma(or)
Ladyday Satchmo Poarott
Yorkhouse Believe in Miracles
Risin Star's Simply The Best
Ladyday Satchmo Poarott
b: 2010-10-03
3  avkomma(or)
Yorkhouse Believe in Miracles
b: 2010-09-23
Risin Star's Simply The Best
b: 2010-09-21
Kameo's Wyoming
Gran Marnier Sua Sponte
Crest-Vue's Tangible Assets
Kameo's Wyoming
b: 2010-09-15
Gran Marnier Sua Sponte
b: 2010-08-22
Crest-Vue's Tangible Assets
b: 2010-08-11
Wind North By Norwest
Bodeswell Pixietail Cat's Meow
Bodeswell Pixietail Rockford
Wind North By Norwest
b: 2010-08-05
4  avkomma(or)
Bodeswell Pixietail Cat's Meow
b: 2010-07-28
Bodeswell Pixietail Rockford
b: 2010-07-28
4  avkomma(or)
Totalt antal  839  Champions
sida  << 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 >>
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