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Estonian Champion

Championgalleriet listar automatiskt hundar som är inlagda i databasen med en championtitel. Bara titlar vi listar syns här, meddela oss gärna om någon titel saknas. Som i alla databaser kan det finnas fel. Justera gärna de fel du hittar.

Totalt antal  572  Champions
sida  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>
Jamming's Quality Time
Jamming's Panic Button
Maybell's King of Jokes
Jamming's Quality Time
b: 2022-04-30
Jamming's Panic Button
b: 2022-04-18
Maybell's King of Jokes
b: 2022-04-01
Moelmo's The North Star
Viuvaun Cmore
Cladary Triumph  Inspired Kiss
Moelmo's The North Star
b: 2022-01-29
3  avkomma(or)
Viuvaun Cmore
b: 2021-11-10
Cladary Triumph Inspired Kiss
b: 2021-09-30
Mirbon's Shimeon
Victory's Laurel Happy Go Lucky
Cladary Triumph Hope Leonella
Mirbon's Shimeon
b: 2021-06-20
Victory's Laurel Happy Go Lucky
b: 2021-06-06
Cladary Triumph Hope Leonella
b: 2021-04-19
Concrete Clouds Bora Bora Bitch
Concrete Clouds Middle Finger
Smackeroo Daenerys Stormborn
Concrete Clouds Bora Bora Bitch
b: 2021-04-16
Concrete Clouds Middle Finger
b: 2021-04-13
10  avkomma(or)
Smackeroo Daenerys Stormborn
b: 2021-01-08
Totalt antal  572  Champions
sida  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>
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