Ändrad av:
Datum/Tid: 2009-08-21 14:54:35.020025
Junior Champion RUS
4xjunior CAC; 4xBest junior; Junior BIS-1
Champion RUS
23 CAC; 16 BOS; 11 BOB; 2?BIG-1; 2 BIS-4
Champion of National Breed Club
3 Candidate to National club champion; 4 CC; 1 BOB; 1 BIS
Grand Champion RUS
RKF Champion
double OANKO Champion
double RFSS Champion
double RFLS Champion
Champion Belarusia
( Junior Champion RUS
4xBOS junior; 4xBOB junior; Junior BIS-1
Champion RUS
23 CAC; 16 BOS; 11 BOB; 2?BIG-1; 2 BIS-4
Champion of National Breed Club
3 Candidate to National club champion; 4 CC; 1 BOB; 1 BIS
Grand Champion RUS
RKF Champion
double OANKO Champion
double RFSS Champion
double RFLS Champion
Champion Belarusia