Ändrad av: anne hellmuth
Datum/Tid: 2013-05-24 22:32:37.226045
IMPORTANT INFORMATION, Attention! Attencion! All the information on this dog and images on the web is registered and protected by copyright
use of the information and images will be punished by law.
Changes and update not permitted without consent of the OWNER!!!
1st MPD bournemouth Ch show 11.8.12 Judge Mr Peter Taylor
1st PD Bournemouth Ch Show 11.8.12 Judge Mr Peter
1st Puppy Dog, BPD, BPIB, Birmingham City Ch show 31.8.12. Judge Mr Ken Sinclair.
1st Junior, 1st, Post Graduate, 1st open, Best Puppy, Best of breed, Puppy Group 2. Bedford and District Open show. Breed judge Lynn swain.
1st Puppy Dog Chinese crested Club of GB Open Show..
!st Puppy dog, Best Puppy Dog, best puppy in breed. RDCC. Midland Counties Ch . Judge- Jean Lanning.
CCDC,3/11/12. Judge Mr Kevin Berry. 1st MPD, 1st PD, 1st ND, Reserve best dog, BPIS.
1st puppy dog, Best Puppy dog, BestPuppy In Breed, BEST DOG, BOS! Puppy group 4. - Boston DCS Ch. 13/01/13' Breed judge Gary Moull, Group judge, Peter Clifton.
1ST PUPPY DOG, BEST PUPPY DOG, BPIB, and RDCC Manchester Ch show , 18/1/13. Judge Jurgun Grunn (Germany)
1 st junior , BPIB, Toy puppy group 2. Judge Vanessa Williams -Wegman . 9/2/13.
1st Junior Dog, BEST DOG, BEST IN SHOW. CCDC Breed Club Open Show. 6/4/13. Judge Alexandra Cole.
1st post/Grad dog . Judge Ann Horan. 21/4/13. CCC of GB, Judge Ann Horan.
1st Post Grad dog. Bath Ch. show. 24/5/13Judge Albert Wright.
( IMPORTANT INFORMATION, Attention! Attencion! All the information on this dog and images on the web is registered and protected by copyright
use of the information and images will be punished by law.
Changes and update not permitted without consent of the OWNER!!!
1st MPD bournemouth Ch show 11.8.12 Judge Mr Peter Taylor
1st PD Bournemouth Ch Show 11.8.12 Judge Mr Peter
1st Puppy Dog, BPD, BPIB, Birmingham City Ch show 31.8.12. Judge Mr Ken Sinclair.
1st Junior, 1st, Post Graduate, 1st open, Best Puppy, Best of breed, Puppy Group 2. Bedford and District Open show. Breed judge Lynn swain.
1st Puppy Dog Chinese crested Club of GB Open Show..
!st Puppy dog, Best Puppy Dog, best puppy in breed. RDCC. Midland Counties Ch . Judge- Jean Lanning.
CCDC,3/11/12. Judge Mr Kevin Berry. 1st MPD, 1st PD, 1st ND, Reserve best dog, BPIS.
1st puppy dog, Best Puppy dog, BestPuppy In Breed, BEST DOG, BOS! Puppy group 4. - Boston DCS Ch. 13/01/13' Breed judge Gary Moull, Group judge, Peter Clifton.
1ST PUPPY DOG, BEST PUPPY DOG, BPIB, and RDCC Manchester Ch show , 18/1/13. Judge Jurgun Grunn (Germany)
9/2/13 1 st junior , BPIB, Toy puppy group 2. Judge Vanessa Williams -Wegman .
6/4/13 CCDC Breed Op Show. 1st Junior Dog, BEST DOG, BEST IN SHOW.
Judge Alexandra Cole.
21/4/13 CCC of Gb Ch . Show, 1st post/Grad dog . Judge Ann Horan.
24/5/13. Bath Ch. 1st Post Grad dog. Judge Albert Wright.