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Ändrad av: R Adams
Datum/Tid: 2016-06-23 18:40:12.576529

Kön: f
Altair Mazel Tov Native Dancer

" Rachel "

: 08.05.2011 ()
: cream ()
: ()
Mazel Tov Chinese Cresteds , Altair Perm. Reg'd ,
Altair Perm. Reg'd , Rebecca and Mark Adams


Rachel earned her Rally Intermediate title in fall 2015.
She also earned this title in only one weekend, in three straight trials, and with excellent high scores.

Rachel earned her CKC Pre-Companion Obedience title in June 2015. She passed 4 out of 4 trials straight (three to earn the title, and an extra 'insurance' one). Even nicer, two of her title legs were earned at a CCCC National Specialty. :>)

Rachel earned her Rally Novice in 2013. She received two "High in Class" ribbons (and a perfect score!) at her first two Rally Novice trials.

As always, our thanks to Rachel's breeders, Pat Pentland (Altair Perm. Reg'd) and Sharon Richman (Mazel Tov).

Rachel earned her Rally Intermediate title in fall 2015.
She also earned this title in only one weekend, in three straight trials, and with excellent high scores.

Rachel earned her CKC Pre-Companion Obedience title in June 2015. She passed 4 out of 4 trials straight (three to earn the title, and an extra 'insurance' one). Even nicer, two of her title legs were earned at a CCCC National Specialty. :>)

As always, our thanks to Rachel's breeders, Pat Pentland (Altair Perm. Reg'd) and Sharon Richman (Mazel Tov).


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