Ändrad av: Karin Wittmann
Datum/Tid: 2021-03-24 13:10:50.203553
DM - PCR = Genotyp N/N ( Exon2 )
PLL-PCR = Genotyp N/N
prcd-PRA - PCR = Genotyp N/N (A)
rcd3-PRA-PCR = Genotyp N/N
DNA by Laboklin
Hairless tested by Laboklin
Clear by Parents :
PLL = Genotyp N/N
prcd-Pra = Genotyp N/N (A)
PL = 0/0
Hyperurikocurie = Genotyp N/N
Degenerative Myelopathie = Genotyp N/N (Exon2)
Maligne Hyperthermie = Genotyp N/N
Parents DNA Tests by Laboklin
Hairless tested by Laboklin
First show
13 Sept 2020 youth Class
Clubsiegerschau Baunatal
Sg4 in group of 4 with a Crufts Winner
( DM - PCR = Genotyp N/N ( Exon2 )
PLL-PCR = Genotyp N/N
prcd-PRA - PCR = Genotyp N/N (A)
rcd3-PRA-PCR = Genotyp N/N
DNA by Laboklin
Clear by Parents :
PLL = Genotyp N/N
prcd-Pra = Genotyp N/N (A)
PL = 0/0
Hyperurikocurie = Genotyp N/N
Degenerative Myelopathie = Genotyp N/N (Exon2)
Maligne Hyperthermie = Genotyp N/N
Parents DNA Tests by Laboklin
Hairless tested by Laboklin
First show
13 Sept 2020 youth Class
Clubsiegerschau Baunatal
Sg4 in group of 4 with a Crufts Winner