Ändrad av: Christel Flink
Datum/Tid: 2024-05-19 12:27:26.069984
- Shown with "Excellent" and reserv certificate
- BPH (Beteende och personlighetsbeskrivning/Behaviour and personality description) May 2024
- DNA tested clear for:
* CMSD - Canine Multiple System Degeneration
* PRA-PRCD - Progressive Retinal Atrophy
* PLL - Primary Lens Luxation
* VWD2 - Von Willebrands Disease Type 2
* DM - Degenerative Myelopathy
Also DNA-tested for Foxi3-hairlessness gene, positive.
( - Shown with "Excellent" and reserv certificate
- BPH (Beteende och personlighetsbeskrivning/Behaviour and personality description) May 2024
- DNA tested clear for:
* CMSD - Canine Multiple System Degeneration
* PRA-PRCD - Progressive Retinal Atrophy
* PLL - Primary Lens Luxation
* VWD2 - Von Willebrands Disease Type 2
* DM - Degenerative Myelopathy