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(Full history)
2024-05-18 06:59:39
Chicavallo Jazz Negroni
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2022-12-16 13:27:20
Chicavallo Eclipse
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2022-12-16 13:24:39
Chicavallo Ja Mora
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2022-07-11 05:49:51
Chicavallo Jungle James
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2022-07-11 05:49:25
Chicavallo Java Jingle
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2022-07-11 05:48:52
Chicavallo Jungle James
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2022-07-11 05:43:29
Chicavallo Hope of the Future
(Full history)
2022-07-10 13:57:51
Chicavallo Hope of the Future
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2022-07-10 13:57:25
Chicavallo Hope of the Future
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2022-07-10 13:56:55
Chicavallo Gentry a Sarkanyveru
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2021-11-13 22:32:12
Chicavallo G lamour
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2021-11-13 22:28:41
Chicavallo G lamour
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2021-11-13 22:28:15
Chicavallo G lamour
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2021-11-13 22:27:00
Chicavallo Burning Cherry
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2021-03-27 22:05:09
Chicavallo Fifty Shades Darker
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2021-02-27 20:53:49
Chicavallo Fifty Shades Darker
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2021-02-26 12:33:59
Chicavallo Fifty Shades Darker
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2021-01-19 14:53:38
Chicavallo Eclipse
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2020-11-04 11:35:21
Chicavallo Eclipse
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2020-10-30 22:24:35
Altamira Imperial Daenerys
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2020-08-27 12:53:32
Chicavallo Eclipse
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2020-07-30 09:57:11
Chicavallo Eclipse
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2020-07-30 09:56:30
Chicavallo Elixir of Love
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2020-07-23 11:08:36
Chicavallo Elixir of Love
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2020-07-23 11:07:54
Chicavallo Elixir of Love
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2020-07-02 19:04:12
Chicavallo Black Orchid
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2020-07-02 18:51:58
Chicavallo Electric Coco
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2020-07-02 18:47:32
Hershey Winning Smile
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2020-06-05 07:09:42
Chicavallo Dudee Stark
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2020-05-02 19:39:18
Chicavallo Dudee Stark
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2020-05-02 19:36:18
Chicavallo Candy Floss
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2019-05-29 19:47:28
Chicavallo Chupa Chups
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2019-05-29 18:35:45
MariAnna & Mark's Dream Amazing Airin
(Full history)
2019-05-22 12:34:55
MariAnna & Mark's Dream Amazing Airin
(Full history)
2019-05-22 12:22:20
MariAnna & Mark's Dream Amazing Airin
(Full history)
2019-05-22 12:22:12
MariAnna & Mark's Dream Amazing Airin
(Full history)
2019-05-22 12:19:01
MariAnna & Mark's Dream Amazing Airin
(Full history)
2019-05-22 12:18:43
MariAnna & Mark's Dream Amazing Airin
(Full history)
2019-05-22 12:18:39
MariAnna & Mark's Dream Amazing Airin
(Full history)
2019-05-22 12:14:29
MariAnna & Mark's Dream Amazing Airin
(Full history)
2019-05-22 12:13:15
MariAnna & Mark's Dream Amazing Airin
(Full history)
2019-05-22 12:11:58
MariAnna & Mark's Dream Amazing Airin
(Full history)
2019-05-22 12:11:16
MariAnna & Mark's Dream Amazing Airin
(Full history)
2019-05-22 12:10:31
C.I.B. Marianna & Mark's Dream Alluring Avicii
(Full history)
2019-05-22 11:49:15
Alive Legend Mystic Fantastic
(Full history)
2019-05-22 11:48:17
C.I.B. Marianna & Mark's Dream Alluring Avicii
(Full history)
2019-05-22 11:46:31
C.I.B. Argos Black & White Border
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2019-05-22 11:45:10
C.I.B. Argos Black & White Border
(Full history)
2019-05-22 11:44:45
(Full history)
2019-05-22 11:44:06
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