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Krishna Makara's Puffin Stuf
(Full history)
2005-12-18 00:35:20
Krispin Mum's The Word
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2005-12-18 00:30:52
Leewin Bold as Brass
(Full history)
2005-12-17 04:03:08
Crazy Horse Quest For Gold
(Full history)
2005-12-17 01:11:30
Cavallino's Center of Attention
(Full history)
2005-12-17 01:09:32
Nauset Tuinluv's Lady's Man
(Full history)
2005-12-15 17:36:58
Spiritual Hot Property
(Full history)
2005-12-09 02:13:02
Happi Daze Song Of The South DOM
(Full history)
2005-12-07 20:06:16
Keepin' it Low Key at Gardine AOM
(Full history)
2005-12-05 03:10:19
Diamond River Dag'r Of Gardine
(Full history)
2005-12-05 03:09:31
Gaea's Flame-N-My Heart
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2005-11-27 02:05:43
Show Me Da Money N'co
(Full history)
2005-11-26 18:27:49
Show Me Da Money N'co
(Full history)
2005-11-26 17:53:20
Applelou Caleb
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2005-11-24 22:20:42
Spiritual Foxy Vixen
(Full history)
2005-11-24 07:31:25
Spiritual Foxy Vixen
(Full history)
2005-11-24 07:31:19
Ven-Chur Good Grief Ms Gismo
(Full history)
2005-11-18 18:04:07
Kalypso's Mustang Sally
(Full history)
2005-11-14 14:58:32
Tamoshire Tallyho Kalypso DOM
(Full history)
2005-11-14 14:57:25
Jonbrecy's Cinnamon Spice
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2005-11-13 20:40:14
Jonbrecy's Bubble Up
(Full history)
2005-11-13 20:31:38
Jonbrecy's Above The Law
(Full history)
2005-11-13 20:06:59
Jonbrecy's Above The Law
(Full history)
2005-11-13 20:06:21
Jot It Down N'co
(Full history)
2005-11-13 13:34:58
Six Gems Princess Sosha
(Full history)
2005-11-13 13:29:22
Nauset Incognito
(Full history)
2005-11-13 12:15:32
Kalypso's Hurricane Hattie
(Full history)
2005-11-12 22:49:57
Kalypso's Holly Berry
(Full history)
2005-11-12 17:31:17
Kalypso's Holly Berry
(Full history)
2005-11-12 17:29:52
Nauset's Izn't She Special
(Full history)
2005-11-12 12:21:40
Nauset This Is It
(Full history)
2005-11-12 12:20:39
Nauset Icecapades
(Full history)
2005-11-12 12:08:28
Nauset Curtain Call
(Full history)
2005-11-12 12:06:55
Nauset Black Dahlia
(Full history)
2005-11-12 12:05:47
Nauset Caro Just Us Jents
(Full history)
2005-11-12 12:04:46
Jorivan United We Stand
(Full history)
2005-11-12 04:26:27
Kalypso's Howe's The Weather
(Full history)
2005-11-12 04:21:45
Kalypso's Howe's My Mercedes
(Full history)
2005-11-12 03:54:56
Bennett's Howe Zat Anabanana
(Full history)
2005-11-12 03:46:17
Jorivans Show Me Black Lace
(Full history)
2005-11-12 03:33:29
Jorivan Luvs Me Luvs Me Not
(Full history)
2005-11-12 03:27:34
Jorivan Luvs Me Luvs Me Not
(Full history)
2005-11-12 03:26:27
Howe's Blue Tsunami
(Full history)
2005-11-12 03:12:25
Howe's Blue Tsunami
(Full history)
2005-11-12 03:09:02
Howe's Blue Tsunami
(Full history)
2005-11-12 03:08:15
Howe's Blue Tsunami
(Full history)
2005-11-12 03:06:48
Howe's Blue Tsunami
(Full history)
2005-11-12 03:05:01
Kamaji Zinger Zing Zin H&h
(Full history)
2005-11-11 23:17:57
Kamaji Zinger Zing Zin H&h
(Full history)
2005-11-11 23:16:21
Kalypso's Tin Lizzie
(Full history)
2005-11-11 21:58:23
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