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Spot The Difference

Reg. no
: AL03856501
: 2010-07-10
: Pink and Blue
: Hairless
Breeder unknown. If you know who the breeder of this dog is you can help us improve the database by adding this information.
Julie Vale (Valandheir, England)
  • My sweet Harley, one year on. Constantley suffering eye infections due to a dry eye condition. Castrated so as not to pass the condition on, no longer a show boy but my sweet boy.
    ©Julie Vale

  • Harley practising his show pose.
    ©Julie Vale

  • Hand Written Pedigree, very hard to read and full of mistakes.
    ©Julie Vale

  • The day we bought Harley home, seemed to have a problem with his eye.
    ©Julie Vale

  Dam's sire: Harlequin Pure Class
Dam: Palomino Tinkerbell
Dam's dam: sealindy simmi Girl

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