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AMCH  Babylon Brilliant Quetzalcoatl

Reg. no
: TN56566801
: 1997-06-11
: White & Black Sptd
: Hairless
Anna Morton (Babylon, USA)
Anna Morton (Babylon, USA)
  • ©unknown

Siblings (3)


Babylon Brilliant Quetzalcoatl
Babylon White Raven
Makara's Babylon Sphinx

Offspring (17) (Descendents)

dob:   Dam: Babylon's Mahakala

Babylon's Sparkle

dob: 2003-06-23  Dam: Babylon's Ra-Narook

Babylon Brilliant Ayauhteotl
Babylon Ewok
Babylon Brilliant KoKopelli

dob: 2000-12-10  Dam: Babylon's Winged Gaia

Babylon Winged Itzacoatl
Babylon Winged Tezcatlipoca

dob: 2000-09-24  Dam: Goldenberry Magic Beauty

Babylon Brilliant Cadmus
Babylon Blushing Iris

dob: 2000-08-12  Dam: Goldenberry Paloma

Babylon Brilliant Tlaloc
Babylon Laughing Buddha

dob: 2000-04-04  Dam: Babylon Blue Winged Galatea

Babylon Violet Cassiopea
Babylon Sweet Clyde

dob: 1999-12-25  Dam: Tamarlane-Krishna's Th'Duchess

Krishna's Kris Kringle
Krishna's Joyeux Noel

dob: 1999-06-26  Dam: Goldenberry Paloma

Ch. Babylon Brilliant Quequetcoyotl
Ch. Babylon Brilliant Quequecoyotl
Babylon Brilliant Coatlicue

Test combination

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