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Lazy K-Bob's Cocoa

Reg. no
: TD413645 FDS
: 1987-04-09
: Slate
Breeder unknown. If you know who the breeder of this dog is you can help us improve the database by adding this information.
Owner unknown.

Siblings (3)


Miclanjo Fan-C Filly Sol-Orr
Lazy K-Bob's Cocoa
Miclanjo Ruffian

Offspring (11) (Descendents)

dob:   Dam:

Kosota Jeune Blossom

dob: 1992-10-04  Dam: Dickerson's Le-Sa Miclanjo

Vore's Miss Priss

dob: 1992-05-24  Dam: Mordor Mai Ling's Alopecia

Vores Gin Sing
LB's Lazy Bob
Dedici Shady Lady HL
Vores Chocolate Candi
Vores Peaches And Cream

dob: 1990-09-27  Dam: Vore's Rongu Michelle

LB's Cocoa Lady
LB's Cocoa Lucy

dob: 1989-09-10  Dam: Vores Le-Sa Zip-O

L Zip-O
Wee Lee-Sa

Test combination

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