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AUSTCH  Ttoga Walk In Paradise

Reg. no
: W1148911
: 1990-07-27
Raylene Tunbridge (Ttoga, Australia)
Owner unknown.

Siblings (2)


Ttoga Touch O Paradise
Ttoga Walk In Paradise

Offspring (14) (Descendents)

dob: 1999-05-10  Dam: Talukdar Yourntinitfrluv

Talukdar BootznOfrunin

dob: 1995-03-14  Dam: Nabatean Painted Doll

Talukdar Simply Ovthetop
Talukdar Simply Ireztble
Talukdar Tophat Ntails
Talukdar Rumouzn Whispzs
Ch. Talukdar Simply The Best

dob: 1993-08-05  Dam: Talukdar Itmusthavbenluv

Talukdar From A Distance
Talukdar Windbneahmywngs
Talukdar Music Othenight
Talukdar Nitemare
Ch. Talukdar Power Othemusic

dob: 1992-05-12  Dam: Talukdar Sugars Melody

Ch. Talukdar Everyinch Alady
Talukdar Baldn Beautiful
Talukdar Bare Facts

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