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Tournais Japanese Sushi

Reg. no
: S52132/2006
: 2006-08-09
: Leverfärgad
: Hairless
Maria Mc Dermit (Tournais, Sverige)
Owner unknown.

Siblings (10)


Tournais Greek Mousaka
Tournais Italian Pasta
Tournais American Hamburger
Tournais Japanese Sushi
Tournais Swedish Meatball
Tournais English Fish N'chips
Tournais Norwegian Salmon
Tournais French Escargot
Tournais Indian Curry
Tournais Indian Curry

Offspring (5) (Descendents)

dob: 2009-09-22  Sire: Asko Ele-Melek

Flossan's Excellent Sigma
Flossan's Excellent Mirror
Flossan's Excellent Sorro
Flossan's Excellent Sirocco

dob: 2008-09-22  Sire: Asko Ele-Melek

Flossan's Excellent Magics Savannah

Test combination

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