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Belorussian Champion

The Champion gallery automatically lists dogs that have been entered into the database with a champion title.
Only titles listed by us appear here, please notify us of any missing titles.
As in any database, errors can and do occur. Feel free to correct errors and mistakes you may find.

A total of  583  Champions
page  << 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 >>
Irgen Gold Furla Felice
Apriori Vip Never Say Never Soltanto
Ilory Mafanikio Milele
Irgen Gold Furla Felice
b: 2014-02-22
Apriori Vip Never Say Never Soltanto
b: 2014-02-14
33  offspring
Ilory Mafanikio Milele
b: 2014-02-09
20  offspring
LoveMagic Maximus Dominus
Arshaus Guan Tsay Men Hu
Mano Ponis Fejerverkas
LoveMagic Maximus Dominus
b: 2014-01-17
Arshaus Guan Tsay Men Hu
b: 2013-12-26
Mano Ponis Fejerverkas
b: 2013-12-26
16  offspring
My Lucky Love Kid to All Gallurius
My Lucky Love Keep Away
Chattanooga's Hevisaurus
My Lucky Love Kid to All Gallurius
b: 2013-12-09
9  offspring
My Lucky Love Keep Away
b: 2013-12-09
1  offspring
Chattanooga's Hevisaurus
b: 2013-12-04
19  offspring
Zholesk Amber Rum
Eleonora Bonus Westtai
Epifan Bonus Westtai
Zholesk Amber Rum
b: 2013-12-01
5  offspring
Eleonora Bonus Westtai
b: 2013-11-06
20  offspring
Epifan Bonus Westtai
b: 2013-11-06
17  offspring
A total of  583  Champions
page  << 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 >>
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