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Alines Prairie Sweet Pea

Reg. no
: CN197743
: 1994-07-01
: 354
: Powderpuff
Aline Viau (Alines, Canada)
Owner unknown.

Siblings (3)


Alines Quincy Q Ball
Alines Prairie Sweet Pea
Alines Bare Bluedog HL

Offspring (10) (Descendents)

dob: 1999-01-21  Sire: Gail Dons Star Fyre

Sweetvalley Burraz Of Alines
Sweet Valley Brahdi Of Alines

dob: 1998-06-30  Sire: Gail Dons Star Fyre

Alines Bitter Sweet Solitaire

dob: 1997-02-21  Sire: Gail Dons Star Fyre

Alines Dapple Dexter
Alines Dreamy Divina
Alines Dapper Dillon

dob: 1996-06-06  Sire: Stormin Norman Of Tebroc

Alines Cee Cee Nevar
Alines Chilly Cheech
Alines Up In Smoke
Alines Cleopatra

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